PPPL-3996 is available in pdf format (920 KB).
Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction and Isoflux Control of Plasma Shape and Position in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)
Authors: D. Mueller, D.A. Gates, J.E. Menard, J.R. Ferron, and S.A. Sabbagh
Date of PPPL Report: August 2004
Presented at: Thirty-first EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 28 June - 2 July, 2004, London, United Kingdom.
The implementation of the rtEFIT-isoflux algorithm in the digital control system for NSTX has led to improved ability to control the plasma shape. In particular, it has been essential for good gap control for radio-frequency experiments, for control of drsep in H-mode studies, and for X-point height control and κ control in a variety of experiments