PPPL-3981 is available in pdf format (1,016 KB).
Extraction of Poloidal Velocity from Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy Measurements
Authors: W.M. Solomon, K.H. Burrell, P. Gohil, R.J. Groebner, and L.R. Baylor
Date of PPPL Report: July 2004
Published in: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75:10 (October 2004) 3481-3486.
Presented at the 15th Topical Conference on High-temperature Plasma Diagnostics, 19-22 April 2004, San Diego, CA.
A novel approach has been implemented on DIII-D to allow the correct determination of the plasma poloidal velocity from charge exchange spectroscopy measurements. Unlike usual techniques, the need for detailed atomic physics calculations to properly interpret the results is alleviated. Instead, the needed atomic physics corrections are self-consistently determined directly from the measurements, by making use of specially chosen viewing chords. Modeling results are presented that were used to determine a set of views capable of measuring the correction terms. We present the analysis of a quiescent H-mode discharge, illustrating that significant modifications to the velocity profiles are required in these high ion temperature conditions. We also present preliminary measurements providing the first direct comparison of the standard cross-section correction to the atomic physics calculations.