PPPL-3967 is available in pdf format (708 KB).
EDGE2D Simulations of JET 13C Migration Experiments
Authors: J.D. Strachan, J.P. Coad, G. Corrigan, G.F. Matthews, and J. Spence
Date of PPPL Report: June 2004
To be presented at: the Thirty-First EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 28 June - 2 July 2004, London, United Kingdom. Conference proceedings will be distributed to all delegates on CD-ROM after the conference. Invited papers will be published in a special edition of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.
Material migration has received renewed interest due to tritium retention associated with carbon transport to remote vessel locations. Those results influence the desirability of carbon usage on ITER. Subsequently, additional experiments have been performed, including tracer experiments attempting to identify material migration from specific locations. In this paper, EDGE2D models a well-diagnosed JET 13C tracer migration experiment. The role of SOL flows upon the migration patterns is identified.