PPPL-3942 is available in pdf format (3.0 MB).
Nonlinear Plasma Waves Excitation by Intense Ion Beams in Background Plasma
Authors: Igor D. Kaganovich, Edward A. Startsev, and Ronald C. Davidson
Date of PPPL Report: April 2004
Published in: Phys. Plasmas 11 (July 2004) 3546-3552.
Plasma neutralization of an intense ion pulse is of interest for many applications, including plasma lenses, heavy ion fusion, cosmic ray propagation, etc. An analytical electron fluid model has been developed to describe the plasma response to a propagating ion beam. The model predicts very good charge neutralization during quasi-steady-state propagation, provided the beam pulse duration τb is much longer than the electron plasma period 2π/ωρ, where ωp = (4πe2np/m)1/2 is the electron plasma frequency and np is the background plasma density. In the opposite limit, the beam pulse excites large-amplitude plasma waves. If the beam density is larger than the background plasma density, the plasma waves break. Theoretical predictions are compared with the results of calculations utilizing a particle-in-cell (PIC) code. The cold electron fluid results agree well with the PIC simulations for ion beam propagation through a background plasma. The reduced fluid description derived in this paper can provide an important benchmark for numerical codes and yield scaling relations for different beam and plasma parameters. The visualization of numerical simulation data shows complex collective phenomena during beam entry and exit from the plasma.
Movies showing complex beam-plasma interactions:
(a) Color plot of plasma density for beam lengths 30c/ωp
(b) Color plot of plasma density for beam lengths 7.5c/ωp
(c) Current density for 7.5c/ωp