PPPL-3930 is available in pdf format (960 KB).
Statistical Plasma Physics in a Strong Magnetic Field: Paradigms and Problems
Author: J.A. Krommes
Date of PPPL Report: March 2004
To be published in: Mathematics and Physical Theory of Turbulence: Proceedings of the International Turbulence Workshop (19-23 May 2003, University of Central Florida, Orland, Florida) edited by J. Cannon and B. Shivamogg, and published by Marcel Dekker, Inc.
An overview is given of certain aspects of fundamental statistical theories as applied to strongly magnetized plasmas. Emphasis is given to the gyrokinetic formalism, the historical development of realizable Markovian closures, and recent results in the statistical theory of turbulent generation of long-wavelength flows that generalize and provide further physical insight to classic calculations of eddy viscosity. A Hamiltonian formulation of turbulent flow generation is described and argued to be very useful.