PPPL-3915 is available in pdf format (932 KB).
Measuring the Plasma Density of a Ferroelectric Plasma Source in an Expanding Plasma
Authors: A. Dunaevsky and N.J. Fisch
Date of PPPL Report: January 2004
Published in: Journal of Applied Physics 95:9 (May 2004) 4621-4626
The initial density and electron temperature at the surface of a ferroelectric plasma source were deduced from floating probe measurements in an expanding plasma. The method exploits negative charging of the floating probe capacitance by fast flows before the expanding plasma reaches the probe. The temporal profiles of the plasma density can be obtained from the voltage traces of the discharge of the charged probe capacitance by the ion current from the expanding plasma. The temporal profiles of the plasma density, at two different distances from the surface of the ferroelectric plasma source, could be further fitted by using the density profiles for the expanding plasma. This gives the initial values of the plasma density and electron temperature at the surface. The method could be useful for any pulsed discharge, which is accompanied by considerable electromagnetic noise, if the initial plasma parameters might be deduced from measurements in expanding plasma.