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Ion Acceleration in Plasmas Emerging from a Helicon-heated Magnetic-mirror Device

Authors: S.A. Cohen, N.S. Siefert, S. Stange, R.F. Boivin, E.E. Scime, and F.M. Levinton

Date of PPPL Report: March 2003

Published in: Physics of Plasmas 10:6 (June 2003) 2593-2598

Using laser-induced fluorescence, measurements have been made of metastable argon-ion, Ar+*(3d4F7/2), velocity distributions on the major axis of an axisymmetric magnetic-mirror device whose plasma is sustained by helicon wave absorption. Within the mirror, these ions have sub-eV temperature and, at most, a subthermal axial drift. In the region outside the mirror coils, conditions are found where these ions have a field-parallel velocity above the acoustic speed, to an axial energy of ~30 eV, while the field-parallel ion temperature remains low. The supersonic Ar+*(3d4F7/2) are accelerated to one-third of their final energy within a short region in the plasma column, less than or equal to 1 cm, and continue to accelerate over the next 5 cm. Neutral gas density strongly affects the supersonic Ar+*(3d4F7/2) density.