PPPL-3729 is available in pdf format (1 MB).
Monte Carlo Sampling of Negative-temperature Plasma States
Authors: John A. Krommes and Sharadini Rath
Date of PPPL Report: July 2002
Submitted to: Physical Review E
A Monte Carlo procedure is used to generate N-particle configurations compatible with two-temperature canonical equilibria in two dimensions, with particular attention to nonlinear plasma gyrokinetics. An unusual feature of the problem is the importance of a nontrivial probability density function P0(f), the probability of realizing a set {f} of Fourier amplitudes associated with an ensemble of uniformly distributed, independent particles. This quantity arises because the equilibrium distribution is specified in terms of {f}, whereas the sampling procedure naturally produces particles states G; {f} and G are related via a gyrokinetic Poisson equation, highly nonlinear in its dependence on G. Expansion and asymptotic methods are used to calculate P0(f) analytically; excellent agreement is found between the large-N asymptotic result and a direct numerical calculation. The algorithm is tested by successfully generating a variety of states of both positive and negative temperature, including ones in which either the longest- or shortest-wavelength modes are excited to relatively very large amplitudes.