PPPL-3690 is available in pdf format (302 KB).
Understanding of Neutral Gas Transport in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Divertor
Authors: D.P. Stotler, C.S. Pitcher, C.J. Boswell, B. LaBombard, J.L. Terry, J.D. Elder, and S. Lisgo
Date of PPPL Report: May 2002
Presented at: the 13th APS Topical Conference on Atomic Process in Plasmas.
A series of experiments on the effect of divertor baffling on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak provides stringent tests on models of neutral gas transport in and around the divertor region. One attractive feature of these experiments is that a trial description of the background plasma can be constructed from experimental measurements using a simple model, allowing the neutral gas transport to be studied with a stand-alone code. The neutral-ion and neutral-neutral elastic scattering processes recently added to the DEGAS 2 Monte Carlo neutral transport code permit the neutral gas flow rates between the divertor and main chamber to be simulated more realistically than before. Nonetheless, the simulated neutral pressures are too low and the deuterium Balmer-alpha emission profiles differ qualitatively from those measured, indicating an incomplete understanding of the physical processes involved in the experiment. Some potential explanations are examined and opportunities for future exploration are highlighted. Improvements to atomic and surface physics data and models will play a role in the latter.