PPPL-3651 is available in pdf format.
A Neutral Beam Injector Upgrade for NSTX
Authors: T. Stevenson, B. McCormack, G.D. Loesser, M. Kalish, S. Ramakrishnan, L. Grisham, J. Edwards, M. Cropper, G. Rossi, A. von Halle, and M. Williams
Date of PPPL Report: January 2002
Presented at: the 19th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering in Atlantic City, NJ, January 21-25, 2002.
The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) capability with a Neutral Beam Injector (NBI) capable of 80 kiloelectronvolt (keV), 5 Megawatt (MW), 5 second operation. This 5.95 million dollar upgrade reused a previous generation injector and equipment for technical, cost, and schedule reasons to obtain these specifications while retaining a legacy capability of 120 keV neutral particle beam delivery for shorter pulse lengths for possible future NSTX experiments. Concerns with NBI injection included power deposition in the plasma, aiming angles from the fixed NBI fan array, density profiles and beam shinethrough, orbit losses of beam particles, and protection of the vacuum vessel wall against beam impingement. The upgrade made use of the beamline and cryo panels from the Neutral Beam Test Stand facility, existing power supplies and controls, beamline components and equipment not contaminated by tritium during DT (deuterium-tritium) experiments, and a liquid Helium refrigerator plant to power and cryogenically pump a beamline and three ion sources. All of the TFTR ion sources had been contaminated with tritium, so a refurbishment effort was undertaken on selected TFTR sources to rid the three sources destined for the NSTX NBI of as much tritium as possible. An interconnecting duct was fabricated using some spare and some new components to attach the beamline to the NSTX vacuum vessel. Internal vacuum vessel armor using carbon tiles was added to protect the stainless steel vacuum vessel from beam impingement in the absence of plasma and interlock failure. To date, the NBI has operated to 80 keV and 5 MW and has injected requested power levels into NSTX plasmas with good initial results, including high beta and strong heating characteristics at full rated plasma current.