PPPL-3646 is available in pdf format.
Physics Basis and Simulation of Burning Plasma Physics for the Fusion Ignition Research Experiment (FIRE)
Authors: C.E. Kessel, D. Meade, and S.C. Jardin
Date of PPPL Report: January 2002
To be presented at: the Sixth International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-6), April 7-12, 2002, in San Diego, CA.
The FIRE [Fusion Ignition Research Experiment] design for a burning plasma experiment is described in terms of its physics basis and engineering features. Systems analysis indicates that the device has a wide operating space to accomplish its mission, both for the ELMing H-mode reference and the high bootstrap current/high beta advanced tokamak regimes. Simulations with 1.5D transport codes reported here both confirm and constrain the systems projections. Experimental and theoretical results are used to establish the basis for successful burning plasma experiments in FIRE.