PPPL-3565 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Investigation of Ion Absorption of the High Harmonic Fast Wave in NSTX using HPRT
Authors: A. Rosenberg, J.E. Menard, and B.P. LeBlanc
Date of PPPL Report: May 2001
Presented at: the 14th Topical Conference on Applications of Radio Frequency Powers in Plasmas in Oxnard, CA, May 7-9, 2001. Proceedings to be published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
Understanding high harmonic fast wave (HHFW) power absorption by ions in a spherical torus (ST) is of critical importance to assessing the wave's viability as a means of heating and especially driving current. In this work, HPRT is used to calculate absorption for He and D, with and without minority H in National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) plasmas using experimental EFIT equilibria and kinetic profiles. HPRT is a 2-D ray-tracing code which uses the full hot plasma dielectric to compute the perpendicular wave number along the hot electron/cold ion plasma ray path. Ion and electron absorption dependence on antenna phasing, ion temperature, bt, and minority temperature and concentration is analyzed. These results form the basis for comparisons with other codes, such as CURRAY, METS, TORIC, and AORSA.