PPPL-3539 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Energetic Particle Effects Can Explain the Low Frequency of Alfvén Modes in the DIII-D Tokamak
Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov and W.W. Heidbrink
Date of PPPL Report: January 2001
Submitted to: Physics of Plasmas
During beam injection in the DIII-D tokamak, modes with lower frequencies than expected for toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) are often observed. We present the analysis of one of these "beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes" (BAE) with a high-n stability code HINST that includes the effect of the energetic ions on the mode frequency. It shows that the "BAE" could be the theoretically predicted resonant-TAE (RTAE), which is also called an energetic-particle mode (EPM).