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Control-Matrix Approach to Stellarator Design and Control
Authors: H.E. Mynick and N. Pomphrey
Date of PPPL Report: February 2000
Published in: Phys. Plasmas 7 (December 2000) 4960-4971.
The full space Z always equal to {Zj=1,..Nz} of independent variables defining a stellarator configuration is large. To find attractive design points in this space, or to understand operational flexibility about a given design point, one needs insight into the topography in Z-space of the physics figures of merit Pi which characterize the machine performance, and means of determining those directions in Z-space which give one independent control over the Pi, as well as those which affect none of them, and so are available for design flexibility. The control matrix (CM) approach described here provides a mathematical means of obtaining these. In this work, we describe the CM approach and use it in studying some candidate Quasi-Axisymmetric (QA) stellarator configurations the NCSX design group has been considering. In the process of the analysis, a first exploration of the topography of the configuration space in the vicinity of these candidate systems has been performed, whose character is discussed.