PPPL-3206 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Review of Diagnostic Methods for TFTR D-T Radiation Shielding and Neutronics Studies
Authors: H.W. Kugel, G. Ascione, J. Gilbert, et al
The methods and instrument systems used for TFTR D-T radiation shielding and neutronics studies involving signal strengths ranging over 10 orders of magnitude are reviewed. Neutron and gamma dose-equivalent, fluence, spectral, and materials activation measurements have been performed at various locations from the TFTR vessel to the nearest property lines. The detection systems include 3He, BF3, and 235U proportional counters in moderated spheres, Bonner sphere arrays, advanced thermoluminescent detectors, argon ionization chambers, intrinsic Ge gamma detectors, and activation foil spectrometry methods.