PPPL-3151 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Enhanced Loss of Fast Ions During Mode Conversion Ion Bernstein Wave Heating in TFTR
Authors: D. S. Darrow, R. Majeski, N. J. Fisch, R. F. Heeter, H. W. Herrmann, M. C. Herrmann, M. C. Zarnstorff, and S. J. Zweben
A strong interaction of fast ions with ion Bernstein waves has been observed in TFTR. It results in a large increase in the fast ion loss rate, and heats the lost particles to several MeV. The lost ions are observed at the passing/trapped boundary and appear to be either DD fusion produced tritons or accelerated D neutral beam ions. Under some conditions, enhanced loss of DT alpha particles is also seen. The losses provide experimental support for some of the elements required for alpha energy channeling.