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Return To P&R Home PageExamination of the Entry to Burn and Burn Control for the ITER 15MA Baseline and Other Scenarios
Full-f Neoclassical Simulations toward a Predictive Model for H-mode Pedestal Ion Energy, Particle and Momentum Transport
Control of Plasma-Stored Energy for Burn Control using DIII-D In-Vessel Coils
Avoidance of Tearing Mode Locking and Disruption with Electro-Magnetic Torque Introduced by Feedback-based Mode Rotation Control in DIII-D and RFX-mod
Advancing the Physics Basis of Quiescent H-mode through Exploration of ITER Relevant Parameters
Advances in the Understanding of ELM Suppression by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations (RMPs) in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
Development of Variational Guiding Center Algorithms for Parallel Calculations in Experimental Magnetic Equilibria
The Role of Lithium Conditioning in Achieving High Performance, Long Pulse H-mode Discharges in the NSTX and EAST Devices
Central Safety Factor and ßN Control on NSTX-U via Beam Power and Plasma Boundary Shape Modification, using TRANSP for Closed Loop Simulations
Tokamak Magnetohydrodynamics and Reference Magnetic Coordinates for Simulation of Plasma Disruptions
Verification of Gyrokinetic Microstability Codes with an LHD Configuration
Comment on "Velocity Boundary Conditions at aTokamak Resistive Wall" [Phys. Plasmas 21, 032506 (2014)]
Impurity Confinement and Transport in High Confinement Regimes without ELMs on DIII-D
Quasi-Coherent Fluctuations Limiting the Pedestal Growth on Alcator C-Mod: Experiment and Modeling
High Performance Discharges in the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment with Liquid Lithium Walls
Analysis of the Wendelstein 7-X Inertially Cooled Test Divertor Unit Scraper Element
Reconstruction of NSTX Midplane Neutral Density Profiles from Visible Imaging Data
Full Wave Simulations of Fast Wave Efficiency and Power Losses in the Scrape-off Layer of Tokamak Plasmas in Mid/high Harmonic and Minority Heating Regimes
Correlations between Quasi-coherent Fluctuations and the Pedestal Evolution during the Inter-ELM Phase on DIII-D
Fusion Energy Systems Studies: Year-end Report on the Fusion Nuclear Science Facility, 2014
Erosion of Lithium Coatings on TZM Molybdenum and Graphite during High-flux Plasma Bombardment
Modeling the Reduction of Gross Lithium Erosion Observed under High-flux Deuterium Bombardment
Rotation and Kinetic Modifications of the Tokamak Ideal-Wall Pressure Limit
Study of Energy Conversion and Partitioning in the Magnetic Reconnection Layer of a Laboratory Plasma
Parametric Study of a Divertor Cooling System for a Liquid-Metal Plasma-Facing Component
Extending the Physics Basis of Quiescent H-mode toward ITER Relevant Parameters
Economic Feasibility of Plasma Filtering Techniques for Nuclear Waste Remediation
Comment on 'Symplectic Integration of Magnetic
Systems': A Proof that the Boris Algorithm is Not Variational
The Contribution of RF Rectification to Field-Aligned Losses of HHFW Power to the Divertor in NSTX
Development of Variational Guiding Center Algorithms for Parallel Calculations in Experimental Magnetic Equilibria
Suppressed Gross Erosion of High-temperature Lithium via Rapid Deuterium Implantation
Solder Development and Fabrication Techniques for Coolant Tube Bonding in Lengthy High Current Conductors
External vs Internal Triggering of Substorms: An Infomation-theoretical Approach
The Joint Influence of Albedo and Insulation on Roof Performance: An Observational Study
Multispecies Density Peaking in Gyrokinetic Turbulence Simulations of Low Collisionality Alcator C-Mod Plasmas
Disruption Analysis of the Proposed K-DEMO Inner Blanket Support Structure
PPPL ST-FNSF Engineering Design Details
Spectral and Structural Stability
Properties of Charged Particle
Dynamics in Coupled Lattices
Authors: Hong Qin, Moses Chung, Ronald C. Davidson,
Joshua W. Burby
Simulations of Non-Inductive Current Ramp Up and Sustainment in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade
Authors: F. M. Poli, R.G. Andre, N.
Bertelli, S.P. Gerhardt, D. Mueller, G. Taylor
First Measurements of Hiro Currents
in Vertical Displacement
Event in Tokamaks
Authors: Hao Xiong, Guosheng Xu, Huiqian Wang,
E. Zakharov, Xujing Li
The Tokamak Density Limit: a
Disruption Mechanism
Authors: D. A. Gates, D. P. Brennan, L.
Delgado-Aparicio, R. B. White
Tokamak Plasma High Field Side Response to an n = 3
Magnetic Perturbation: A Comparison of 3D Equilibrium
Solutions from Seven Different Codes
Defocusing of an ion beam propagating in
plasma due to two-stream instability
Authors: Erinc Tokluoglu and Igor
Dependence of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity on the Poloidal Spectrum of Applied Nonaxisymmetric Fields
Investigation of ion and electron heat transport of high-Te ECH heated discharges in the Large Helical Device
Midplane neutral density profiles in the
National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: D. P. Stotler, F. Scotti, R. E. Bell,
and B. P. LeBlanc
Steady-state benchmarks of DK4D: A
axisymmetric drift-kinetic equation solvera
Authors: B. C. Lyons, S. C. Jardin, and J.
J. Ramos
On the correspondence between
quantum and
classical variational principles
Authors: D. E. Ruiz and I. Y. Dodin
Generation of large-scale magnetic fields
by small-scale dynamo in shear flows
Authors: J. Squire and A. Bhattacharjee
Heat flux viscosity in collisional
magnetized plasmas
Authors: C. Liu, W. Fox, and A.
Nonlinear frequency shift of
electrostatic waves
in general collisionless plasma:
unifying theory of
fluid and kinetic nonlinearities
Authors: C. Liu and I. Y. Dodin
Authors: D. S. Darrow
The Lithium Vapor Box Divertor
Authors: R. J. Goldston, R. Myers, J.
MultiPhysics Engineering Analysis for
ITER Diagnostic First Wall and Shield Module Design
Authors: Y. Zhai, G. Loesser, M. Smith, W.
Wang, V. Udintsev, T. Giacomin,
A. Khodak, D. Johnson, R.
Coherent Non-Helical Shear Dynamos Driven
by Magnetic Fluctuations at Low Reynolds Numbers
Authors: J. Squire and A. Bhattacharjee
Ideal plasma response to vacuum magnetic fields with resonant magnetic perturbations in non-axisymmetric tokamaks
Authors: Kimin
Kim, J. W. Ahn, F. Scotti, J. K. Park and
J. E. Menard
Engineering Optimization of Stellarator
Coils Lead to Improvement in Device Maintenance
Authors: T. Brown, J. Breslau, D. Gates,
N. Pomphrey, A. Zolfaghari
Additive Manufacturing of Steady-State
Mirrors for the KSTAR ECH Launchers
Authors: R. Ellis, J. Hosea
Adaptation of General Purpose CFD Code
for Fusion MHD Applications
Authors: Andrei Khodak
Lithium as a Plasma Facing Component to
the Edge Plasma
Authors: R. Maingi, R. Majeski, J.E.
Menard, M.A. Jaworski, R. Kaita
Lessons Learned During The Procurement of
ITER Steady State Electrical Network Components
by the
US Domestic Agency
Authors: C. Neumeyer, J. Dellas, J.
Hourtoule, A. Das, S. Nair
New DSP-Based Firing Generator For
PPPL AC/DC Converters
Authors: W. Que, R. Mozulay, C. Neumeyer,
J. Lawson, S. Ramakrishnan
NSTX Upgrade Power Supply System
Authors: W. Que, C. Neumeyer, S.
Ramakrishnan, J. Lawson, R. Mozulay,
X. Zhao, H. Schneider,
K. Erickson
Securing MDSplus for the NSTX-U
Coil Protection System
Authors: Gregory J. Tchilinguirian, Keith
G. Erickson
Environmental Conditions & Loads of
ITER Diagnostic
Equipment in the Port Plug Interspace &
Port Cell
Authors: Wenping Wang, Russ Feder, Yuhu
Zhai, Natalia Casal, Julio Guirao,
Jonathan Klabacha, Allan
High Radiation Designs for
Magnets in DT
Fusion Reactors
Authors: R. D. Woolley
Design and Manufacture of DIII-D Neutral
Beam Pole Shields with Copper Plates and
Molybdenum Inserts
Authors: I. Zatz, A. Khodak, P.Titus, A.
Nagy, J. Winkleman,
R. Nazikian, T. Scoville
Thermal Radiation Analysis to Calculate
the Temperature and Heat Load of Wendelstein 7-X
Cooled Test Divertor Unit Scraper Element
Authors: Han Zhang, Peter Titus, G. Douglas
Loesser, Joris Fellinger
The NSTX-U Digital Coil Protection
Authors: Gretchen Zimmer, John Dong,
Ronald E. Hatcher
Tensile Strain Mitigation During the NSTX-U Ohmic
(OH) Coil Cooldown
Authors: Peter H. Titus, Neway Atnafu,
A.Khodak, H. Zhang,
Paul Fabian, Mark Haynes, and Kimiko
Analysis of ITER Upper Port Diagnostic First Walls
Authors: M. Smith, Y. Zhai,
G. Loesser, W. Wang, V. Udintsev, T. Giacomin,
A. Khodak, D.
Johnson, R. Feder, J. Klabaha
Preliminary Neutronics Analysis of
ITER Tip Diagnostic
Corner Cube Retroreflectors
Authors: K.R. Tresemer, R. Wood, R. Feder,
L. Konkel Jr., J. Klabacha
Ion Temperature Effects on Magnetotail Alfven Wave
Propagation and Electron Energization
Authors: P.A. Damiano, J.R. Johnson,
and C.C. Chaston
Implementation of a 3D halo neutral model in the TRANSP
and application to projected NSTX-U plasmas
Authors: S.S. Medley, D. Liu, M.V.
Gorelenkova, W.W. Heidbrink and L. Stagner
A tutorial introduction to the
statistical theory of
turbulent plasmas,
a half century after Kadomtsev’s Plasma
and the resonance-broadening theory of Dupree and
Authors: John A. Krommes
Design of Faraday Cup Ion Detectors
Built by Thin
Film Deposition
Authors: G.A. Szalkowski, D.S. Darrow, F.E.
Poloidal asymmetries in edge transport barriers
Authors: R. M. Churchill, C. Theiler, B.
Lipschultz, I. H. Hutchinson, M. L. Reinke,
D. Whyte, J. W.
Hughes, P. Catto, M. Landreman, D. Ernst, C. S. Chang, R.
Hager, A. Hubbard, P. Ennever, J. R. Walk, and the Alcator
C-Mod Team
Numerical optimization of three-dimensional coils
Authors: S.A. Lazerson, J-K. Park, N. Logan,
A. Boozer
Energetically-consistent collisional gyrokinetics
Authors: J. W. Burby, A. J. Brizard, and H.
Electromotive force due to magnetohydrodynamic
in sheared rotating turbulence
Authors: J. Squire and A.
A correlation between morphology
of the carbonaceous
deposit and the current distribution
in the carbon arc
discharge for nanosynthesis
Authors: Yao-Wen Yeh, Yevgeny Raitses, and
Nan Yao
Time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
from multiwalled
carbon nanotubes in air
Authors: J.M. Mitrani and M.N. Shneider
First-principle variational formulation of
effects in geometrical optics
Authors: D. E. Ruiz and I. Y. Dodin
The island coalescence problem: scaling of reconnection
extended fluid models including higher-order moments
Authors: Jonathan Ng, Yi-Min Huang, Ammar
Hakim, A. Bhattacharjee, Adam Stanier, William Daughton, Liang
Wang, and Kai Germaschewski
Atmospheric pressure arc discharge with ablating graphite
Authors: V A Nemchinsky and Y Raitses
Determination of Broken KAM Surfaces for Particle Orbits in
Toroidal Confinement Systems
Authors: R. B. White
Alpha heating in JET plasmas with sawteeth
Authors: R.V. Budny and JET
A Predictive Model for the Greenwald Density Limit
Authors: Q. Teng, D.P. Brennan, L.
Delgado-Aparicio, D.A. Gates, J. Swerdlow and R.B. White