Optimization by Marker Removal for δ Particle
Authors: Wenjun Deng and Guo-Yong Fu
PPPL-4941 Abstract
Analysis of Continuously-rotating Quadrupole Focusing Channels using Generalized Courant-Snyder Theory
Authors: Moses Chung, Hong Qin, Erik Gilson, and Ronald C. Davidson
PPPL-4942 Abstract
Zonal Flow as Patter Formation
Authors: Jeffrey B. Parker and John A. Krommes
PPPL-4943 Abstract
Plasma Mass Filtering for Actinides / Lanthanides Separation
Authors: R. Gueroult and N.J .Fisch
PPPL-4944 Abstract
Report of the Study Group GK2 on Momentum Transport in Gyrokinetics
Authors: J.A. Krommes and G.W. Hammett
PPPL-4945 Abstract
Next Steps in Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarator Research
Authors: G.H. Neilson, D.A. Gates, P.J. Heitzenroeder, J. Breslau, S.C. Prager, T. Stevenson, P. Titus, M.D. Williams, and M.C. Zarnstorff
PPPL-4946 Abstract
Nonlinear Stability of Laboratory Quasi-Keplerian Flows
Authors: E.M. Edlund and H. Ji
PPPL-4947 Abstract
Alignment of the Thomson Scattering Diagnostic on NSTX
Authors: B.P. LeBlanc and A. Diallo
PPPL-4948 Abstract
Negative Plasma Potential Relative to Electron-emitting Surfaces
Author: M.D. Campanell
PPPL-4949 Abstract
Three Dimensional Distortions of the Tokamak Plasma Boundary: II.
Boundary Displacements in the Presence of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
Authors: I.T. Chapman, M. Becoulet, T. Bird, J. Canik, ... S. Lazerson, et al.
PPPL-4950 Abstract
The Physics of the Second-order Gyrokinetic MHD Hamiltonian: μ Conservation, Galilean Invariance, and Ponderomotive Potential
Author: J.A. Krommes
PPPL-4951 Abstract
The Physics Basis for an Advanced Physics and Advanced Technology Tokamak Power Plant Configuration, ARIES-ACT1
Authors: C.E. Kessel, F.M. Poli, K. Ghantous, N.N. Gorelenkov, M.E. Rensink,T.D. Rognlien, P.B. Snyder, H. St. John, A.D. Turnbull
PPPL-4952 Abstract
Non-axisymmetric Magneto-hydrodynamic Equilibrium in the Presence of Internal Magnetic Islands and External Magnetic Perturbation Coils
Authors: B.J. Tobias, M.E. Austin, I.G.J. Classen, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann,Jr., J-K Park, C. Paz-Soldan, A.D. Turnbull, L. Yu, and the DIII-D Team
PPPL-4953 Abstract
Three Dimensional Equilibrium Reconstruction on the DIII-D Device
Authors: S.A. Lazerson and the DIII-D Team
PPPL-4954 Abstract
External Heating and Current Drive Source Requirements towards Steady-state Operation in ITER
Authors: F.M. Poli, C.E. Kessel, P.T. Bonoli, D.B. Batchelor, R.W. Harvey and P.B. Snyder
PPPL-4955 Abstract
Design and Construction of Faraday Cup Ion Detectors using Thin Film Deposition
Authors: G.A. Szalkowski, D.S. Darrow, and F.E. Cecil
PPPL-4956 Abstract
Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Perturbed Equilibria with General Tokamak Geometry
Authors: Nikolas C. Logan, Jong-Kyu Park, Kimin Kim, Zhirui Wang and Joh W. Berkery
PPPL-4957 Abstract
Generation of Zonal Flows through Symmetry Breaking of
Statistical Homogeneity
Authors: Jeffrey B. Parker and John A. Krommes
PPPL-4958 Abstract
On the Nature of Kinetic Electrostatic Election Nonlinear (KEEN) Waves
Authors: I.Y. Dodin and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-4959 Abstract
Theory Verification and Numerical Bnchmarking on
Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Torque
Authors: Z. Wang, et. al.
PPPL-4960 Abstract
Emission Processes at the Deposit in the Carbon Arc Discharge
for Nanotube Synthesis
Authors: J. Ng and Y. Raitses
PPPL-4961 Abstract
Field-line Resonance Structures in Mercury Multi-ion Magnetosphere
Authors: Eun-Hwa Kim, et. al
PPPL-4962 Abstract
Influence of Emitted Electrons Transiting Between Surfaces on Plasma-Surface Interaction
Authors: M.D. Capanell and H. Wang
PPPL-4963 Abstract
Active Radiative Liquid Lithium, Divertor Concept
Authors: Masayuki Ono, et. al.
PPPL-4964 Abstract
Simulation of Localized Fast-Ion Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
Authors: G.J. Kramer, et. al.
PPPL-4965 Abstract
Understanding High Harmonics Ion Cyclotron Heating Losses in Scrape-off Layer of Tokamak Plasmass
Authors: N. Bertelli, et. al.
PPPL-4966 Abstract
PPPL Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 2012
Authors: Virginia Finley
PPPL-4967 Abstract
Adaptive Grids In Simulations of Toroidal Plasma Starting From Magneto-hydrodynamic Equilibrium
Authors: Xujing Li, et. al.
PPPL-4968 Abstract
Progress on Ion Cycloron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) Heating Physics and Technology in Support of the International
Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER)
Authors: J.R. Wilson and P.T. Bonoli
PPPL-4969 Abstract
Development of an Electrostatic Detector for Tungsten Dust
Authors: Kenneth C. Hammond and Charles Skinner
PPPL-4970 Abstract
Response of a Partial Wall to an External Perturbation of Rotating Plasma
Authors: C.V. Atanasiu and L.E. Zakaharov
PPPL-4971 Abstract
Turbulent Optimization of Toroidal Configurations
Authors: H. Mynick, et. al.
PPPL-4972 Abstract
A Nonlinear PIC Algorithm for High Frequency Waves in Magnetized Plasmas Based On Gyrocenter Gauge Kinetic Theory
Authors: Jian Liu, Zhi Yu and Hong Qin
PPPL-4973 Abstract
Analytical Methods For Charged Particle Dynamics In Geneeral Focusing Lattices Using Geneeralized Courant-Snyder Theory
Authors: Hong Qin, Ronald C. Davidson, Joshua W. Buruy and Moses Chung
PPPL-4974 Abstract
Variational Integrators for Perturbed Non-Canonical Hamiltoniaan Systems
Authors: Joshua W. Burby, C.L. Ellison and H. Qin
PPPL-4975 Abstract
Initializing and Stabilizing Variational Multistep Algorithms for Modeling
Dynamical Systems
Authors: C.L. Ellison J.W. Burby, J.M. Finn, H. Qin and W.M. Tang
PPPL-4976 Abstract
Energy-resolved X-ray Imaging For Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas: Measurement Of Impurity Concentration And Thermal And Non-Maxwellian Electron Distributions
Authors: Luis F. Delgado-Aparico, et. al.
PPPL-4977 Abstract
State of the Art Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control in DIII-D Using Real-time Steerable Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Launchers
Authors: Egemen Kolemen, et. al.
PPPL-4978 Abstract
Particle Heating and Acceleration During Magnetic Reeconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
Authors: Jonsoo Yoo, et. al.
PPPL-4979 Abstract
Response of Impurity Particle Confinement Time to External Acuators in QA-mode Plasmas on DIII-D
Authors: B.A. Grierson, et. al.
PPPL-4980 Abstract
The Double Well Mass Filter
Authors: Renaud Gueroult, Jean-Marcel Rax and Nathaniel J. Fisch
PPPL-4981 Abstract
Nonmodal Growth Of The Magneto-rotational Instability
Authors: J. Squire and A. Bhattacharjee
PPPL-4982 Abstract
A New Class of Magnetic Confinement Device in the Shape of a Knot
Authors: Stuart Hudson, et. al.
PPPL-4983 Abstract
Observation Of Edge Instability Limiting The Pedestal Growth in Tokamak Plasmas
Authors: Ahmed Diallo, et. al.
PPPL-4984 Abstract
Suitability of 3D Printed Plastic Parts for Laboratory Use
Authors: Andrew P. Zwicker, Josh Bloom, Robert Albertson and Sophia Gersham
PPPL-4985 Abstract
Electrostatic Detection of Stainless Steel Dust Particles For Fusion Applications
Authors: P. Landy, C.H. Skinner and H. Schnieder
PPPL-4986 Abstract
Kinetic Neoclassical Transport In The H-mode Pedestal
Authors: Devon Battaglia, et. al.
PPPL-4987 Abstract
Linear Mode Conversion of Langmuir/z-mode Waves To Radiation In Plasmas With Various Magnetic Field Strength
Authors: Eun-Hwa Kim, Iver H. Cairns and Jay R. Johnson
PPPL-4988 Abstract
The Effects Of Finite Electron Temperature And Diffraction On Lower Hybrid Wave Propagation
Authors: J.C. Wright and N. Bertelli
PPPL-4989 Abstract
Estimation of Heavy Ion Densities From Linearly Polarized EMIC Waves At Earth
Authors: Eun-Hwa Kim, Jay R. Johnson and Dong-Hun Lee
PPPL-4990 Abstract
Experimental Test Of Whether Electrostatically Charged Micro-organisms And Their Spores Contribute To The Onset Of Arcs Across Vacuum Gaps
Authors: L.R. Grisham, A. vonHalle, A.F. Carpe, K.R. Gilton, Guy Rossi and T.N. Stevenson
PPPL-4991 Abstract
Aerodynamic Focusing Of High-Density Aerosols
Authors: D.E. Ruiz, N.J. Fisch, et. al.
PPPL-4992 Abstract
The Virtual-casing Principle For 3D Toroidal Systems
Authors: S.A. Lazerson
PPPL-4993 Abstract
Edge Equilibrium Code (EEC) For Tokamaks
Authors: Xujing Li, Leonid E. Zakharov, and Vladimir V. Drozdov
PPPL-4994 Abstract
On The Toroidal Plasma Rotation Induced By Lower Hybrid Waves
Authors: Xiaoyin Guan, et. al.
PPPL-4995 Abstract
Multi-threaded GPU Acceleration of ORBIT with Minimal Code Modifications
Authors: Ante Qu, Stephane Ethier, Eliot Feibush and Roscoe White
PPPL-4996 Abstract
Canonicalization And Symplectic Simulation Of The Gyrocenter Dynamics In Time-independent Magnetic Fields
Authors: Ruili Zhang, Jian Liu, Yifa Tang, Hong Qin, Jianyuan Xiao and Beibei Zhu
PPPL-4997 Abstract
Enhanced Efficiency Of Internal Combustion Engines By Employing Spinning Gas
Authors: Vasily Geyko and Nathaniel J. Fisch
PPPL-4998 Abstract
Effect of Deuterium Gas Puff On The Edge Plasma In NSTX
Authors: S.J. Zweben, et. al.
PPPL-4999 Abstract
TRANSP Tests Of TGLF and Predictions For ITER
Authors: Robert Budny, et. al.
PPPL-5000 Abstract
Self-organisation Processes In The Carbon ARC For Nanosynthis
Authors: Jonathan Ng and Y. Raitses
PPPL-5001 Abstract
Reduced Fast Ion Transport Model For The Tokamak Transport Code TRANSP
Authors: Mario Podesta, M. Gorelenkova and R.B. White
PPPL-5002 Abstract
Comment on "Mode Conversion of Waves In The Ion-Cyclotron Frequency Range in Magnetospheric Plasmas"
Authors: Eun Kim and Jay R. Johnson
PPPL-5003 Abstract
Ponderomotive Forces On Waves In Modulated Media
Authors: I.Y. Dodin and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-5004 Abstract
Electromagnetic Analysis for the Design of ITER Diagnostic Port Plugs during Plasma Disruptions
Authors: Y. Zhai, R. Feder, A. Brooks, M. Ulrickson, C.S. Pitcher and G.D. Loesser
PPPL-5005 Abstract
The Physics Basis For An Advanced Physics And Advanced Technology Tokamak Power Plant Configuration, ARIES-ACT1
Authors: Charles E. Kessel, et. al.
PPPL-5006 Abstract
The Physics of Basis For A Conservative Physics And Conservative Technology Tokamak Power Plant, ARIES-ACT2
Authors: Charles E. Kessel, and F.M. Poli
PPPL-5007 Abstract
ARIES Advanced And Conservative Tokamak (ACT) Power Plant Study
Authors: Charles E. Kessel, et. al.
PPPL-5008 Abstract
Runaway Generation In Disruptions Of Plasmas In TFTR
Authors: E.D. Fredrickson, M.G. Bell, G. Taylor, S.S. Medley
PPPL-5010 Abstract
Parametric Dependence Of Fast-ion Transport Events On The National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: E.D. Fredrickson, N.N. Gorelenkov, M. Podesta, A. Bortolon, S.P. Gerhardt, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo and B. LeBlanc
PPPL-5011 Abstract
Safety Culture And Best Practices At Japan's Fusion Research Facilities
Authors: K. Rule, L. Cadwallader, M. King, Y. Takase, Y. Oshima, K. Nishimura, and A. Sukegawa
PPPL-5012 Abstract
Experimental Observation Of 3-D, Impulsive Reconnection Events In A Laboratory Plasma
Authors: S. Dorfman, H. Ji, M. Yamada, J. Yoo, E. Lawrence, C. Myers and T.D. Tharp
PPPL-5013 Abstract
Equilibrium Spline Interface (ESI) For Magnetic Confinement Codes
Authors: Xujing Li and Leonid E. Zakharov
PPPL-5014 Abstract
Three Dimensional Distortions Of The Tokamak Plasma Boundary:
II. Boundary Displacements In The Presence Of Resonanat Magnetic Perturbations
Authors: IT Chapman, S. Lazerson, et. al.
PPPL-5015 Abstract
BEAMS3D Neutral Beam Injection Model
Authors: Matthew McMillan and Samuel Lazerson
PPPL-5017 Abstract
Laboratory Study Of Magnetic Reconnection With A Density Asymmetry Across The Current Sheet
Authors: Jongsoo Yoo, Masaaki Yamada, Hantao Ji, Clayton E. Myers, Jonathan Jara-Almonte and Li-Jen Chen
PPPL-5018 Abstract
Quasilinear Carbon Transport In An Impurity Hole Plasma In LHD
Authors: David Mikkelsen, et. al.
PPPL-5019 Abstract
Energetic Particle Physics In Fusion Research In Preparation For Burning Plasma Experiments
Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov
PPPL-5020 Abstract
What Is The Fate Of Runaway Positrons In Tokamaks
Authors: Jian Liu, Hong Qin, Nathaniel J. Fisch, Qian Teng and Xiaogang Wang
PPPL-5021 Abstract
Two-stream Instability With Time-dependent Drift Velocity
Authors: Hong Qin,and Ronald C. Davidson
PPPL-5022 Abstract
Field Theory And Weak Euler-Langrange Equation For Classical Particle-field Systems
Authors: Hong Qin, Joshua W. Burby and Ronald C. Davidson
PPPL-5023 Abstract
A Megawatt-level 28 GHz Heating System For The National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade
Authors: G. Taylor, et. al.
PPPL-5024 Abstract
The Status of USITER Diagnostic Port Plug Neutronics Analysis Using Attila
Authors: Russell Feder, et. al.
PPPL-5025 Abstract
Status Of The Design Of The ITER ECE Diagnostic
Authors: G. Taylor, et. al.
PPPL-5026 Abstract
Inferring Magnetospheric Heavy Ion Density Using EMIC Waves
Authors: Eun-Hwa Kim, J.R. Johnson, H. Kim and Dong-Hun Lee
PPPL-5028 Abstract
Safety Culture And Best Practices At Japan's Research Facilities
Authors: Keith Rule, et. al.
PPPL-5029 Abstract
Recent Progress on Spherical Torus Research
Authors: M. Ono and R. Kaita
PPPL-5030 Abstract
Progress In Understanding The Enhanced Pedestal H-mode In NSTX
Authors: Stefan Gerhardt, et. al.
PPPL-5031 Abstract
Magnetic Diagnostics For Equilibrium Reconstruction And Realtime Plasma Control In NSTX-Upgrade
Authors: Stefan Gerhardt, et. al.
PPPL-5032 Abstract
Development and Operation of High-throughput Accurate-wavelength Lens-based Spectrometer
Author: Ronald E. Bell
PPPL-5033 Abstract
Error field and magnetic diagnostic modeling for W7-X
Authors: S.A. Lazerson, D.A. Gates, H. Neilson, M. Otte, S. Bozhenkov, T.S. Pedersen, J. Geiger, and J. Lore
PPPL-5034 Abstract
Understanding Ion Cyclotron Harmonic Fast Wave Heating Losses in the Scrape Off Layer of Tokamak Plasmas
Authors: N. Bertelli, E.F. Jaeger, J.C. Hosea, C.K. Phillips, L. Berry, P.T. Bonoli, S.P. Gerhardt, D. Green, B. LeBlanc, R.J. Perkins, P.M. Ryan, G. Taylor1, E.J. Valeo, J.R. Wilson and J.C. Wright
PPPL-5035 Abstract
Predictions of VRF on a Langmuir Probe under the RF Heating Spiral on the Divertor Floor on NSTX-U
Authors: J.C. Hosea, R.J. Perkins, M.A. Jaworski, G.J. Kramer, J-W Ahn, et al.
PPPL-5036 Abstract
The ITER 3D Magnetic Diagnostic Response to Applied n=3 and n=4 RMP's
Author: S.A. Lazerson
PPPL-5037 Abstract
High-resolution Tangential AXUV Arrays for Radiated Power Density Measurements on NSTX-U
Authors: L. Delgado-Aparicio, R.E. Bell, I. Faust, K. Tritz, A. Diallo, S.P. Gerhardt, T.A. Kozub, B.P. LeBlanc, and B.C. Stratton
PPPL-5038 Abstract
Dependence of Recycling and Edge Profiles on Lithium Evaporation in High Triangularity, High Performance NSTX H-mode Discharges
Authors: R. Maingi, T.H. Osborne, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, D.P. Boyle, J.M. Canik, A. Dialla,R. Kaita, S.M. Kaye, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, S.A. Sabbagh, C.H. Skinner, V.A.Soukhanovskii, and the NSTX team
PPPL-5039 Abstract
Hybrid Molten Salt Reactor (HMSR) System Study
Authors: Robert D. Woolley, and Laurence F. Miller
PPPL-5040 Abstract
Enhanced Confinement Scenarios without Large Edge Localized Modes in Tokamaks:
Control, Performance, and Extrapolability Issues for ITER
Author: R. Maingi
PPPL-5041 Abstract
In-situ Measurement of Low-Z Material Coating Thickness on High Z Substrate for Tokamaks
Authors: D. Mueller, A.L. Roquemore, M. Jaworski, C.H. Skinner, J. Miller, A. Creely, P.
Raman, and D. Ruzic
PPPL-5042 Abstract
Access to a New Plasma Edge State with High Density and Pressures using Quiescent H-mode
Authors: W.M. Solomon, P.B. Snyder, K.H. Burrell, M.E. Fenstermacher, A.M. Garofalo, B.A. Grierson, A. Loarte, G.R. McKee, R. Nazikian, and T.H. Osborne
PPPL-5043 Abstract
NSTX-U Digital Coil Protection System Software Detailed Design
Authors: Keith G. Erickson, Gregory J. Tchilinguirian, Ronald E. Hatcher, William M. Davis
PPPL-5044 Abstract
NSTX-U Control System Upgrades
Authors: K.G. Erickson, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, J.E. Lawson,
R. Mozulay, P. Sichta, G.J. Tchilinguirian
PPPL-5045 Abstract
NSTX-U Advances in Real-time C++11 on Linux
Author: Keith G. Erickson
PPPL-5046 Abstract
Phase-locking of Magnetic Islands Diagnosed by ECE-Imaging
Authors: B. Tobias, B.A. Grierson, C.M. Muscatello, X. Ren, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., S.E. Zemedkun, T.L. Munsat, and I.G.J. Classen
PPPL-5047 Abstract
Tomographic Inversion Techniques Incorporating Physical Constraints for Line Integrated Spectroscopy in Stellarators and Tokamaks
Authors: N.A. Pablant, R.E. Bell, M. Bitter, L. Delgado-Aparicio, K.W. Hill, S. Lazerson, and S. Morita
PPPL-5048 Abstract
Measurement of Core Plasma Temperature and Rotation on W7-X made available by the X-ray Imaging Crystal Spectrometer (XICS)
Authors: N.A. Pablant, M. Bitter, R. Burhenn, L. Delgado-Aparicio, R. Ellis, D. Gates, M. Goto, K.W. Hill, A. Langenberg, S. Lazerson, M. Mardenfeld, S. Morita, G. H. Neilson, T. Oishi and T.S. Pedersen
PPPL-5049 Abstract
Conversion of Magnetic Energy in the Magnetic Reconnection Layer of a Laboratory Plasma
Authors: Masaaki Yamada, Jongsoo Yoo, Jonathan Jara-Almonte,
Hantao Ji, Russell M. Kulsrud, and Clayton E. Myers
PPPL-5050 Abstract
Magnetorotational Instability: Non-modal Growth and the Relationship of Global Modes to the Shearing Box
Authors: J. Squire and A. Bhattacharjee
PPPL-5051 Abstract
Fusion Utility in the Knudsen Layer
Authors: Seth Davidovits, and Nathaniel J. Fisch
PPPL-5052 Abstract
Variational Integration for Ideal MHD with Built-in Advection Equations
Authors: Yao Zhou, Hong Qin, J.W. Burby and A. Bhattacharjee
PPPL-5053 Abstract
Enhanced Efficiency of Internal Combustion
Engines by Employing Spinning Gas
Authors: V.I. Geyko and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-5054 Abstract
Understanding Irreversible Degradation of Nb3Sn Wires with Fundamental Fracture Mechanics
Authors: Yuhu Zhai, Ciro Calzolaio, and Carmine Senatore
PPPL-5055 Abstract
Optimal Shielding for Minimum Materials Cost of Mass
Author: Robert D. Woolley
PPPL-5056 Abstract
The Suitability of 3D Printed Plastic Parts for Laboratory Use
Authors: Andrew P. Zwicker, Josh Bloom, Robert Albertson, and Sophia Gershman
PPPL-5057 Abstract
Suppression of Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities with HHFW Heating
Authors: E. D. Fredrickson, G. Taylor, N. Bertelli, D. S. Darrow, N. Gorelenkov, G. Kramer, D. Liu, N.A. Crocker, S. Kubota, R. White
PPPL-5058 Abstract
Addressing the Challenges of Plasma-Surface Interactions in NSTX-U
Authors: R. Kaita, T. Abrams, M. Jaworski, M. Lucia, J. Nichols, C. H. Skinner, D. Stotler, J-P. Alain, F. Bedoya, and the NSTX-U Team
PPPL-5059 Abstract
Statistical Simulation of the Magnetorotational Dynamo
Authors: J. Squire and A. Bhattacharjee
PPPL-5060 Abstract
Coupling of a-channeling to |k||| Upshift in Lower Hybrid Current Drive
Authors: I.E. Ochs, N. Bertelli, and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-5061 Abstract
Reduced Model Prediction of Electron Temperature Profiles in Microtearing-dominated National Spherical Torus eXperiment Plasmas
Authors: S.M. Kaye , W. Guttenfelder, R.E. Bell , S.P. Gerhardt, B.P. LeBlanc, and R. Maingi
PPPL-5062 Abstract
The Dependence of the Strength and Thickness of Field-Aligned Currents on Solar Wind and Ionospheric Parameters
Authors: Jay R. Johnson and Simon Wing
PPPL-5063 Abstract
Direct Fusion Drive for a Human Mars Orbital Mission
Authors: Michael Paluszek, Gary Pajer, Yosef Razin, James Slonaker, Samuel Cohen, Russ Feder, Kevin Griffin, and Matthew Walsh
PPPL-5064 Abstract
Magnetic Diagnostics for Equilibrium Reconstructions with Eddy Currents on the Lithium Tokamak Experiment
Authors: J.C. Schmitt, J. Bialek, S. Lazerson, and R. Majeski
PPPL-5065 Abstract
Physics and Engineering Assessments of the K-DEMO Magnet Configuration
Authors: G.H. Neilson, T. Brown, K. Im, C. Kessel, K. Kim, P. Titus, Y. Zhai
PPPL-5066 Abstract
A New Spectrometer Design for the X-ray Spectroscopy of Laser-produced Plasmas with High (sub-ns) Time Resolution
Authors: M. Bitter, K. W. Hill, P. C. Efthimion, L. Delgado-Aparicio, N. Pablant, Jian Lu, P. Beiersdorfer, and Hui Chen
PPPL-5067 Abstract