[138]Publication Reports For Fiscal Year 2002
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PPPL-3615 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Observation of Compressional Alfvén Modes during Neutral-beam Heating on the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: E.D. Fredrickson, N. Gorelenkov, C.Z. Cheng, R. Bell, D. Darrow, D. Johnson, S. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, J. Menard, S. Kubota, and W. Peebles
PPPL-3615 Abstract
PPPL-3617 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Observation of Beam Driven Modes during Neutral Beam Heating on the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: E.D. Fredrickson, N. Gorelenkov, C.Z. Cheng, R. Bell, D. Darrow, D. Johnson, S. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, J. Menard, S. Kubota, and W. Peebles
PPPL-3617 Abstract
PPPL-3618 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Regime for a Self-ionizing Raman Laser Amplifier
Authors: D.S. Clark and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3618 Abstract
PPPL-3619 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Advanced Tokamak Scenarios for the FIRE Burning Plasma Experiment
Authors: C.E. Kessel, D. Ignat, and T.K. Mau
PPPL-3619 Abstract
PPPL-3620 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Stiff Temperature Profiles in JT-60U ELMy H-mode Plasmas
Authors: D.R. Mikkelsen, H. Shirai, H. Urano, T. Takizuka, Y. Kamada, T. Hatae, Y. Koide, N. Asakura, T. Fujita, T. Fukuda, S. Ide, A. Isayama, Y. Kawano, O. Naito, and Y. Sakamoto
PPPL-3620 Abstract
PPPL-3621 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
The a Dynamo Effects in Laboratory Plasmas
Authors: Hantao Ji and Stewart C. Prager
PPPL-3621 Abstract
PPPL-3622 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
High-frequency Probing Diagnostic for Hall Current Plasma Thrusters
Authors: A.A. Litvak, Y. Raitses, and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3622 Abstract
PPPL-3623 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Anderson Localization of Ballooning Modes, Quantum Chaos and the Stability of Compact Quasiaxially Symmetric Stellarators
Authors: M.H. Redi, J.L. Johnson, S. Klasky, J. Canik, R.L. Dewar, and W.A. Cooper
PPPL-3623 Abstract
PPPL-3624 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Trapped-particle Instability Leading to Bursting in Stimulated Raman Scattering Simulations
Authors: S. Brunner and E. Valeo
PPPL-3624 Abstract
PPPL-3625 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Implications of the Electrostatic Approximation in the Beam Frame on the Nonlinear Vlasov-Maxwell Equations for Intense Beam Propagation
Authors: Ronald C. Davidson, W. Wei-li Lee, Hong Qin, and Edward Startsev
PPPL-3625 Abstract
PPPL-3626 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
In-Situ Imaging and Quantification of Tritium Surface Contamination via Coherent Fiber Bundle
Authors: Charles A. Gentile, John J. Parker, and Stewart J. Zweben
PPPL-3626 Abstract
PPPL-3627 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Oxidative Decontamination of Tritiated Materials Employing Ozone Gas
Authors: Charles A. Gentile, John J. Parker, and Gregory L. Guttadora
PPPL-3627 Abstract
PPPL-3628 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Determination of 3D Equilibria from Flux Surface Knowledge Only
Authors: H.E. Mynick and N. Pomphrey
PPPL-3628 Abstract
PPPL-3630rev is available in pdf format.
Tritium Removal by Laser Heating and Its Application to Tokamaks
Authors: C.H. Skinner, C.A. Gentile, G. Guttadora, A. Carpe, S. Langish, K.M. Young, M. Nishi, and W. Shu
PPPL-3630rev Abstract
PPPL-3631 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Edge Turbulence Imaging in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak
Authors: S.J. Zweben, D.P. Stotler, J.L. Terry, B. LaBombard, M. Greenwald, M. Muterspaugh, C.S. Pitcher, the Alcator C-Mod Group, K. Hallatschek, R.J. Maqueda, B. Rogers, J.L. Lowrance, V.J. Mastrocola, and G.F. Renda
PPPL-3631 Abstract
PPPL-3632 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Resonant Plasma Heating Below the Cyclotron Frequency
Authors: Roscoe White, Liu Chen, and Zhihong Lin
PPPL-3632 Abstract
PPPL-3633 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Overview of the NSTX Control System
Authors: P. Sichta, J. Dong, G. Oliaro, and P. Roney
PPPL-3633 Abstract
PPPL-3634 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Effects of Segmented Electrode in Hall Current Plasma Thrusters
Authors: Y. Raitses, M. Keidar, D. Staack, and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3634 Abstract
PPPL-3635 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
The Role of Axisymmetric Reconnection Events in JET Discharges with Extreme Shear Reversal
Authors: B.C. Stratton, J.A. Breslau, R.V. Budny, N.C. Hawkes, S.C. Jardin, W. Park, H.R. Strauss, and L.E. Zakharov
PPPL-3635 Abstract
PPPL-3636 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Fluctuation Measurements in Tokamaks with Microwave Imaging Reflectometry
Authors: E. Mazzucato, T. Munsat, H. Park, B.H. Deng, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.J.H. Donné, and M.J. van de Pol
PPPL-3636 Abstract
PPPL-3637rev is available in pdf format.
Microturbulence and Flow Shear in High-performance JET ITB Plasma
Authors: R.V. Budny, R. Andre, A. Bécoulet, C. Challis, G.D. Conway, W. Dorland, D.R. Ernst, T.S. Hahm, T.C. Hender, D. McCune, G. Rewoldt, S.E. Sharapov, and contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme
PPPL-3637rev Abstract
PPPL-3638 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
A Third Generation Lower Hybrid Coupler
Authors: S. Bernabei, J. Hosea, C. Kung, D. Loesser, J. Rushinski, J.R. Wilson, and R. Parker
PPPL-3638 Abstract
PPPL-3639 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
A Model of Solar Flares Based on Arcade Field Reconnection and Merging of Magnetic Islands
Authors: G.S. Choe and C.Z. Cheng
PPPL-3639 Abstract
PPPL-3640 is available in pdf format.
Magnetic Field Generation and Electron Acceleration in Relativistic Laser Channel
Authors: I.Yu. Kostyukov, G. Shvets, N.J. Fisch, and J.M. Rax
PPPL-3640 Abstract
PPPL-3641 is available in pdf format.
Confinement of Neutral Beam Ions in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: D.S. Darrow, S.S. Medley, A.L. Roquemore, and A. Rosenberg
PPPL-3641 Abstract
PPPL-3642 is available in pdf format.
Review of D-T Experiments Relevant to Burning Plasma Issues
Author: R.J. Hawryluk
PPPL-3642 Abstract
PPPL-3643 is available in pdf format.
Evaluation of Negative-Ion-Beam Driver Concepts For Heavy Ion Fusion
Author: Larry R. Grisham
PPPL-3643 Abstract
PPPL-3644 is available in pdf format.
Evolution and Termination of H-modes in NSTX
Authors: C.E. Bush, R. Maingi, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, E.D. Fredrickson, D.A. Gates, S.M. Kaye, S. Kubota, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, R. Maqueda, S. Medley, J.E. Menard, D. Mueller, F. Paoletti, S. Paul, S.A. Sabbagh, V.A. Soukhanovskii, D. Stutman, G. Taylor, S.J. Zweben, D.W. Johnson, R. Kaita, M. Ono, Y.-K.M. Peng, A.L. Roquemore, and E.J. Synakowski
PPPL-3644 Abstract
PPPL-3645 is available in pdf format.
Storing, Retrieving, and Processing Optical Information by Raman Backscattering in Plasmas
Authors: I.Y. Dodin and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3645 Abstract
PPPL-3646 is available in pdf format.
Physics Basis and Simulation of Burning Plasma Physics for the Fusion Ignition Research Experiment (FIRE)
Authors: C.E. Kessel, D. Meade, and S.C. Jardin
PPPL-3646 Abstract
PPPL-3647 is available in pdf format.
Industrial Hygiene Concerns during the Decontamination and Decommissioning of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: M.E. Lumia and C.A. Gentile
PPPL-3647 Abstract
PPPL-3648 is available in pdf format.
Spherical Torus Plasma Interactions with Large-area Liquid Lithium Surfaces in CDX-U
Authors: R. Kaita, R. Majeski, M. Boaz, P. Efthimion, B. Jones, D. Hoffman, H. Kugel, J. Menard, T. Munsat, A. Post-Zwicker, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Spaleta, G. Taylor, J. Timberlake, R. Woolley, L. Zakharov, M. Finkenthal, D. Stutman, G. Antar, R. Doerner, S. Luckhardt, R. Maingi, M. Maiorano, and S. Smith
PPPL-3648 Abstract
PPPL-3649 is available in pdf format.
Anomalous Capacitive Sheath with Deep Radio Frequency Electric Field Penetration
Author: Igor D. Kaganovich
PPPL-3649 Abstract
PPPL-3650 is available in pdf format.
Mechanisms of Stochastic Diffusion of Energetic Ions in Spherical Tori
Authors: Ya.I. Kolesnichenko, R.B. White, and Yu.V. Yakovenko
PPPL-3650 Abstract
PPPL-3651 is available in pdf format.
A Neutral Beam Injector Upgrade for NSTX
Authors: T. Stevenson, B. McCormack, G.D. Loesser, M. Kalish, S. Ramakrishnan, L. Grisham, J. Edwards, M. Cropper, G. Rossi, A. von Halle, and M. Williams
PPPL-3651 Abstract
PPPL-3652 is available in pdf format.
Spherical Torus Center Stack Design
Authors: C. Neumeyer, P. Heitzenroeder, C. Kessel, M. Ono, M. Peng, J. Schmidt, R. Woolley, and I. Zatz
PPPL-3652 Abstract
PPPL-3653 is available in pdf format.
Mechanism of Radial Redistribution of Energetic Trapped Ions Due to m=2/n=1 Internal Reconnection in Joint European Torus Shear Optimized Plasmas
Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov, A. Gondhalekar, A.A. Korotkov, S.E. Sharapov, D. Testa, and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme
PPPL-3653 Abstract
PPPL-3654 is available in pdf format.
Magnetic Field Generation through Angular Momentum Exchange between Circularly Polarized Radiation and Charged Particles
Authors: G. Shvets, N.J. Fisch, and J.-M. Rax
PPPL-3654 Abstract
PPPL-3655 is available in pdf format.
Boronization on NSTX using Deuterated Trimethylboron
Authors: W.R. Blanchard, R.C. Gernhardt, H.W. Kugel, and P.H. LaMarche
PPPL-3655 Abstract
PPPL-3656 is available in pdf format.
Status of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System at NSTX
Authors: P. Sichta and J. Dong
PPPL-3656 Abstract
PPPL-3657 is available in pdf format.
Upgrade to the Tritium Remote Control and Monitoring System for TFTR D&D
Authors: P. Sichta, G. Oliaro, and S. Sengupta
PPPL-3657 Abstract
PPPL-3658 is available in pdf format.
The NSTX Trouble Reporting System
Authors: S. Sengupta and G. Oliaro
PPPL-3658 Abstract
PPPL-3659 is available in pdf format.
Enhanced Mode Conversion of Thermally Emitted Electron Bernstein Waves (EBW) to Extraordinary Mode
Authors: B. Jones, P.C. Efthimion, G. Taylor, T. Munsat, J.R. Wilson, J.C. Hosea, R. Kaita, R. Majeski, R. Maingi, S. Shiraiwa, and J. Spaleta
PPPL-3659 Abstract
PPPL-3660 is available in pdf format.
Challenges for Plasma Diagnostics in a Next Step Device (FIRE)
Author: Kenneth M. Young
PPPL-3660 Abstract
PPPL-3661 is available in pdf format.
Microinstability Studies for the Large Helical Device
Authors: G. Rewoldt, L.-P. Ku, W.M. Tang, H. Sugama, N. Nakajima, K.Y. Watanabe, S. Murakami, H. Yamada, and W.A. Cooper
PPPL-3661 Abstract
PPPL-3662 is available in pdf format.
High Heat Flux Interactions and Tritium Removal from Plasma Facing Components by a Scanning Laser
Authors: C.H. Skinner, C.A. Gentile, and A. Hassanein
PPPL-3662 Abstract
PPPL-3663 is available in pdf format.
Compressional Alfvén Eigenmode Dispersion in Low Aspect Ratio Plasmas
Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov, C.Z. Cheng, and E. Fredrickson
PPPL-3663 Abstract
PPPL-3664 is available in pdf format.
Modeling of Spherical Torus Plasmas for Liquid Lithium Wall Experiments
Authors: R. Kaita, S. Jardin, B. Jones, C. Kessel, R. Majeski, J. Spaleta, R. Woolley, L. Zakharov, B. Nelson, and M. Ulrickson
PPPL-3664 Abstract
PPPL-3665 is available in pdf format.
Snowmass 2002: The Fusion Energy Sciences Summer Study
Authors: N. Sauthoff, G. Navratil, and R. Bangerter
PPPL-3665 Abstract
PPPL-3666 is available in pdf format.
Systems Analysis of a Compact Next Step Burning Plasma Experiment
Authors: S.C. Jardin, C.E. Kessel, D. Meade, and C. Neumeyer
PPPL-3666 Abstract
PPPL-3667 is available in pdf format.
On Properties of Compressional Alfvén Eigenmode Instability Driven by Superalfvénic Ions
Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov and C.Z. Cheng
PPPL-3667 Abstract
PPPL-3668 is available in pdf format.
Neutral Particle Analyzer Measurements of Ion Behavior in NSTX
Authors: S.S. Medley, R.E. Bell, D.S. Darrow, and A.L. Roquemore
PPPL-3668 Abstract
PPPL-3669 is available in pdf format.
Fusion Power Deployment
Authors: J.A. Schmidt and J.M. Ogden
PPPL-3669 Abstract
PPPL-3670 is available in pdf format.
Neutral Beam Injection Requirements and Design Issues for the National Compact Stellarator Experiment
Authors: H.W. Kugel, H. Neilson, W. Reiersen, M. Zarnstorff, and M. Cole
PPPL-3670 Abstract
PPPL-3671 is available in pdf format.
Oxidative Tritium Decontamination System
Authors: Charles A. Gentile, John J. Parker, Gregory L. Guttadora, and Lloyd P. Ciebiera
PPPL-3671 Abstract
PPPL-3672 is available in pdf format.
Magnetized Turbulent Dynamo in Protogalaxies
Authors: Leonid Malyshkin and Russell M. Kulsrud
PPPL-3672 Abstract
PPPL-3674rev is available in pdf format (pdf, 2.9 MB).
Fusion Alpha Parameters in Tokamaks with High DT Fusion Rates
Author: R.V. Budny
PPPL-3674rev Abstract
PPPL-3675 is available in pdf format.
About the Toroidal Magnetic Field of a Tokamak Burning Plasma Experiment with Superconducting Coils
Author: E. Mazzucato
PPPL-3675 Abstract
PPPL-3676 is available in pdf format.
Physics Design of the National Compact Stellarator Experiment
Authors: G.H. Neilson, M.C. Zarnstorff, J.F. Lyon, and the NCSX Team
PPPL-3676 Abstract
PPPL-3677 is available in pdf format.
Study of the Effect of Compressional Alfvén Modes on Thermal Transport in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: E.D. Fredrickson, N. Gorelenkov, C.Z. Cheng, R. Bell, D. Darrow, D. Gates, D. Johnson, S. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, D. McCune, J. Menard, L. Roquemore, and S. Kubota
PPPL-3677 Abstract
PPPL-3678 is available in pdf format.
The Use of MDSplus on NSTX at PPPL
Authors: W. Davis, P. Roney, T. Carroll, T. Gibney, and D. Mastrovito
PPPL-3678 Abstract
PPPL-3679 is available in pdf format.
Magnetic Propulsion of Intense Lithium Streams in a Tokamak Magnetic Field
Author: Leonid E. Zakharov
PPPL-3679 Abstract
PPPL-3680 is available in pdf format (313 KB).
Transparency of Magnetized Plasma at Cyclotron Frequency
Authors: G. Shvets and J.S. Wurtele
PPPL-3680 Abstract
PPPL-3681 is available in pdf format (334 KB).
Integration of Microsoft Windows Applications with MDSplus Data Acquisition on the National Spherical Torus Experiment at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Author: Dana M. Mastrovito
PPPL-3681 Abstract
PPPL-3682 is available in pdf format (537 KB).
Non-white Noise and a Multiple-rate Markovian Closure Theory for Turbulence
Authors: Gregory W. Hammett and John C. Bowman
PPPL-3682 Abstract
PPPL-3683 is available in pdf format (2.2 MB).
Recent Advancements in Microwave Imaging Plasma Diagnostics
Authors: H. Park, C.C. Chang, B.H. Deng, C.W. Domier, A.J.H. Donné, K. Kawahata, C. Liang, X.P. Liang, H.J. Lu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A. Mase, H. Matsuura, E. Mazzucato, A. Miura, K. Mizuno, T. Munsat, K. and Y. Nagayama, M.J. van de Pol, J. Wang, Z.G. Xia, and W-K. Zhang
PPPL-3683 Abstract
PPPL-3684 is available in pdf format (605 KB).
Excitation of Accelerating Plasma Waves by Counter-propagating Laser Beams
Authors: Gennady Shvets, Nathaniel J. Fisch, and Alexander Pukhov
PPPL-3684 Abstract
PPPL-3685 is available in pdf format (237 KB).
Size Scaling of Turbulent Transport in Magnetically Confined Plasmas
Authors: Z. Lin, S. Ethier, T.S. Hahm, and W.M. Tang
PPPL-3685 Abstract
PPPL-3686 is available in pdf format (660 KB).
Determination of the Hall Thruster Operating Regimes
Authors: L. Dorf, V. Semenov, Y. Raitses and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3686 Abstract
PPPL-3687 is available in pdf format (400 KB).
Ion-beam Plasma Neutralization Interaction Images
Authors: Igor D. Kaganovich, Edward Startsev, S. Klasky, and Ronald C. Davidson
PPPL-3687 Abstract
PPPL-3688 is available in pdf format (3.5 MB).
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 2000
Author: Virginia L. Finley
PPPL-3688 Abstract
PPPL-3689 is available in pdf format (2 MB).
Free-boundary Full-pressure Island Healing in a Stellarator: Coil-healing
Authors: S.R. Hudson, A. Reiman, D. Strickler, A. Brooks, D.A. Monticello, and S.P. Hirshman
PPPL-3689 Abstract
PPPL-3690 is available in pdf format (302 KB).
Understanding of Neutral Gas Transport in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Divertor
Authors: D.P. Stotler, C.S. Pitcher, C.J. Boswell, B. LaBombard, J.L. Terry, J.D. Elder, and S. Lisgo
PPPL-3690 Abstract
PPPL-3691 is available in pdf format (724 KB).
Nonlinear Delta-f Simulation Studies of Intense Charged Particle Beams with Large Temperature Anisotropy
Authors: Edward A. Startsev, Ronald C. Davidson, and Hong Qin
PPPL-3691 Abstract
PPPL-3692 is available in pdf format (347 KB).
Energy of Force-free Magnetic Fields in Relation to Coronal Mass Ejections
Authors: G.S. Choe and C.Z. Cheng
PPPL-3692 Abstract
PPPL-3693 is available in pdf format (345 KB).
Renormalization Group Reduction of Non Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Author: Stephan I. Tzenov
PPPL-3693 Abstract
PPPL-3694 is available in pdf format (348 KB).
Effect of Trapped Energetic Ions on MHD Activity in Spherical Tori
Authors: Ya.I. Kolesnichenko, V.V. Lutsenko, V.S.Marchenko, and R.B. White
PPPL-3694 Abstract
PPPL-3695 is available in pdf format (1 MB).
Field Line Resonances in Quiet and Disturbed Time Three-Dimensional Magnetospheres
Authors: C.Z. Cheng and S. Zaharia
PPPL-3695 Abstract
PPPL-3696 is available in pdf format (356 KB).
MHD Field Line Resonances and Global Modes in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Fields
Author: C.Z. Cheng
PPPL-3696 Abstract
PPPL-3697 is available in pdf format (492 KB).
Tritium Removal from JET and TFTR Tiles by a Scanning Laser
Authors: C.H. Skinner, N. Bekris, J.P. Coad, C.A. Gentile, and M. Glugla
PPPL-3697 Abstract
PPPL-3698 is available in pdf format (1.6 MB).
Thermal Response of Tritiated Co-deposits from JET and TFTR to Transient Heat Pulses
Authors: C.H. Skinner, N. Bekris, J.P. Coad, C.A. Gentile, A. Hassanein, R. Reiswig, and S. Willms
PPPL-3698 Abstract
PPPL-3699 is available in pdf format (2.7 MB).
Kinetic Alfvén Waves at the Magnetopause -- Mode Conversion, Transport and Formation of LLBL
Authors: Jay R. Johnson and C.Z. Cheng
PPPL-3699 Abstract
PPPL-3700 is available in pdf format (296 KB).
Operational Regimes of the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: D. Mueller, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, M. Bitter, T. Bigelow, P. Bonoli, M. Carter, J. Ferron, E. Fredrickson, D. Gates, L. Grisham, J.C. Hosea, D. Johnson, R. Kaita, S.M. Kaye, H. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, R. Majeski, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, M. Ono, F. Paoletti, S. Paul, C.K. Phillips, R. Pinsker, R. Raman, S.A. Sabbagh, C.H. Skinner, V.A. Soukhanovskii, D. Stutman, D. Swain, Y. Takase, J. Wilgen, J.R. Wilson, G.A. Wurden, and S. Zweben
PPPL-3700 Abstract
PPPL-3701 is available in pdf format (478 KB).
Flexibility and Robustness Calculations for NCSX
Authors: N. Pomphrey, R. Hatcher, S.P. Hirshman, S. Hudson, L-P Ku, E.A. Lazarus, H. Mynick, D. Monticello, G.H. Neilson, A. Reiman, M.C. Zarnstorff, and the NCSX Team
PPPL-3701 Abstract
PPPL-3702 is available in pdf format (6.3 MB).
Phenomenology of Internal Reconnections in NSTX
Authors: I. Semenov, S. Mirnov, D. Darrow, L. Roquemore, E.D. Fredrickson, J. Menard, D. Stutman, and A. Belov
PPPL-3702 Abstract
PPPL-3703 is available in pdf format (315 KB).
Hall Thruster Modeling with a Given Temperature Profile
Authors: L. Dorf, V. Semenov, Y. Raitses and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3703 Abstract
PPPL-3704 is available in pdf format (600 KB).
Core Fueling and Edge Particle Flux Analysis in Ohmically and Auxiliary Heated NSTX Plasmas
Authors: V.A. Soukhanovskii, R. Maingi, R. Raman, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, L. Roquemore, C.H. Skinner, and NSTX Research Team
PPPL-3704 Abstract
PPPL-3705 is available in pdf format (460 KB).
Neutral Transport Simulations of Gas Puff Imaging Experiments on Alcator C-Mod
Authors: D.P. Stotler, B. LaBombard, J.L. Terry, and S.J. Zweben
PPPL-3705 Abstract
PPPL-3706 is available in pdf format (810 KB).
Physical Limitations of Empirical Field Models: Force Balance and Plasma Pressure
Authors: Sorin Zaharia and C.Z. Cheng
PPPL-3706 Abstract
PPPL-3707 is available in pdf format (220 KB).
Gyrokinetic Calculations of Microinstabilities and Transport during RF H-Modes on Alcator C-Mod
Authors: M.H. Redi, C. Fiore, P. Bonoli, C. Bourdelle, R. Budny, W. D. Dorland, D. Ernst, G. Hammett, D. Mikkelsen, J. Rice, and S. Wukitch
PPPL-3707 Abstract
PPPL-3708 is available in pdf format (612 KB).
Experimental Study of Lower-hybrid Drift Turbulence in a Reconnecting Current Sheet
Authors: T.A. Carter, M. Yamada, H. Ji, R.M. Kulsrud, and F. Trintchouk
PPPL-3708 Abstract
PPPL-3709 is available in pdf format (936 KB).
Results of NSTX Heating Experiments
Authors: D. Mueller, M. Ono, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, M. Bitter, C. Bourdelle, D.S. Darrow, P.C. Efthimion, E.D. Fredrickson, D.A. Gates, R.J. Goldston, L.R. Grisham, R.J. Hawryluk, K.W. Hill, J.C. Hosea, S.C. Jardin, H. Ji, S.M. Kaye, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, D.W. Johnson, B.P. LeBlanc, R. Majeski, E. Mazzucato, S.S. Medley, J.E. Menard, H.K. Park, S.F. Paul, C.K. Phillips, M.H. Redi, A.L. Rosenberg, C.H. Skinner, V.A. Soukhanovskii, B. Stratton, E.J. Synakowski, G. Taylor, J.R. Wilson, S.J. Zweben, Y-K.M. Peng, R. Barry, T. Bigelow, C.E. Bush, M. Carter, R. Maingi, M. Menon, P.M. Ryan, D.W. Swain, J. Wilgen and 37 additional authors
PPPL-3709 Abstract
PPPL-3710 is available in pdf format (492 KB).
Physics Analysis of the FIRE Experiment
Authors: S.C. Jardin, C.E. Kessel, D. Meade, J. Breslau, G. Fu, N. Gorelenkov, J. Manickam, W. Park, and H. Strauss
PPPL-3710 Abstract
PPPL-3711 is available in pdf format (308 KB).
ICRF Wave Propagation and Absorption in Plasmas with Non-thermal Populations
Authors: R.J. Dumont, C.K. Phillips, and D.N. Smithe
PPPL-3711 Abstract
PPPL-3712 is available in pdf format (344 KB).
Lagrangian Description of Nonadiabatic Particle Motion in Spherical Tori
Authors: Yu.V. Yakovenko, Ya.I. Kolesnichenko, and R.B. White
PPPL-3712 Abstract
PPPL-3713 is available in pdf format (516 KB).
Multiple Electron Stripping of Heavy Ion Beams
Authors: D. Mueller, L. Grisham, I. Kaganovich, R. L. Watson, V. Horvat, K.E. Zaharakis, and Y. Peng
PPPL-3713 Abstract
PPPL-3714 is available in pdf format (84 KB).
Calculations of Neutral Beam Ion Confinement for the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: M.H. Redi, D.S. Darrow, J. Egedal, S.M. Kaye, and R.B. White
PPPL-3714 Abstract
PPPL-3715 is available in pdf format (1.1 MB).
Bounce Precession Fishbones in the National Spherical Tokamak Experiment
Authors: Eric Fredrickson, Liu Chen, and Roscoe White
PPPL-3715 Abstract
PPPL-3716 is available in pdf format (352 KB).
Recent Progress on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)
Authors: D.A. Gates, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, J. Bialek, T. Bigelow, et al.
PPPL-3716 Abstract
PPPL-3717 is available in pdf format (612 KB).
Study of Thermonuclear Alfvén Instabilities in Next Step Burning Plasma Experiments
Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov, H.L. Berk, R. Budny, C.Z. Cheng, G.-Y. Fu, W.W. Heidbrink, G. Kramer, D. Meade, and R. Nazikian
PPPL-3717 Abstract
PPPL-3718 is available in pdf format (624 KB).
Initial Neutral Particle Analyzer Measurements of Ion Temperature in NSTX
Authors: S.S. Medley, R.E. Bell, M.P. Petrov, A.L. Roquemore, and E.V. Suvorkin
PPPL-3718 Abstract
PPPL-3719 is available in pdf format (256 KB).
Kinetic Stability of the Field Reversed Configuration
Authors: E.V. Belova, R.C. Davidson, H. Ji, and M. Yamada
PPPL-3719 Abstract
PPPL-3720 is available in pdf format (248 KB).
Diagnostics for FIRE: a Status Report
Author: Kenneth M. Young
PPPL-3720 Abstract
PPPL-3721 is available in pdf format (600 KB).
Microwave Imaging Reflectometer for TEXTOR
Authors: T. Munsat, E. Mazzucato, H. Park, B.H. Deng, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., J. Wang, Z.G. Xia, A.J.H. Donné, and M. van de Pol
PPPL-3721 Abstract
PPPL-3722 is available in pdf format (572 KB).
Correlation Reflectometry for Turbulence and Magnetic Field Measurements in Fusion Plasmas
Authors: G.J. Kramer, R. Nazikian, and E. Valeo
PPPL-3722 Abstract
PPPL-3723 is available in pdf format (388 KB).
Edge Turbulence Imaging on NSTX and Alcator C-Mod
Authors: S.J. Zweben, R.A. Maqueda, J.L. Terry, B. Bai, C.J. Boswell, C.E. Bush, D. D'Ippolito, E.D. Fredrickson, M. Greenwald, K. Hallatschek, S. Kaye, B. LaBombard, R. Maingi, J. Myra, W.M. Nevins, B.N. Rogers, D.P. Stotler, J. Wilgen, and X.Q. Xu
PPPL-3723 Abstract
PPPL-3724 is available in pdf format (350 KB).
Diagnostics Plan for the National Compact Stellarator Experiment
Authors: D. Johnson, T. Brown, H. Neilson, G. Schilling, H. Takahashi, M. Zarnstorff, M. Cole, E. Lazarus, and M. Fenstermacher
PPPL-3724 Abstract
PPPL-3725 is available in pdf format (362 KB).
Impact of the Wall Conditioning Program on Plasma Performance in NSTX
Authors: H.W. Kugel, V. Soukhanovskii, M. Bell, W. Blanchard, D. Gates, B. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, D. Mueller, H.K. Na, S. Paul, C.H. Skinner, D. Stutman, and W.R. Wampler
PPPL-3725 Abstract
PPPL-3726 is available in pdf format (999 KB).
Plasma Performance Improvements with Liquid Lithium Limiters in CDX-U
Authors: R. Majeski, M. Boaz, D. Hoffman, B. Jones, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, T. Munsat, J. Spaleta, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Timberlake, L. Zakharov, G. Antar, R. Doerner, S. Luckhardt, R.W. Conn, M. Finkenthal, D. Stutman, R. Maingi, and M. Ulrickson
PPPL-3726 Abstract
PPPL-3727 is available in pdf format (262 KB).
CDX-U Operation with a Large Area Liquid Lithium Limiter
Authors: R. Majeski, M. Boaz, D. Hoffman, B. Jones, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, T. Munsat, J. Spaleta, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Timberlake, L. Zakharov, G. Antar, R. Doerner, S. Luckhardt, R.W. Conn, M. Finkenthal, D. Stutman, R. Maingi, and M. Ulrickson
PPPL-3727 Abstract
PPPL-3728 is available in pdf format (3.2 MB).
High Resolution Spectroscopic Diagnostic for Divertor and Scrape-off Layer Neutral and Impurity Emission Measurements in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: V.A. Soukhanovskii, A.L. Roquemore, C.H. Skinner, J. Menard, H.W. Kugel, D. Johnson, R. Maingi, S. Sabbagh, and F. Paoletti
PPPL-3728 Abstract
PPPL-3729 is available in pdf format (1 MB).
Monte Carlo Sampling of Negative-temperature Plasma States
Authors: John A. Krommes and Sharadini Rath
PPPL-3729 Abstract
PPPL-3730 is available in pdf format (200 KB).
Trapped Electron Precession Shear Induced Fluctuation Decorrelation
Authors: T.S. Hahm, P.H. Diamond, and E.-J. Kim
PPPL-3730 Abstract
PPPL-3731 is available in pdf format (324 kB).
Ferroelectric Cathodes in Transverse Magnetic Fields
Authors: Alexander Dunaevsky, Yevgeny Raitses, and Nathaniel J. Fisch
PPPL-3731 Abstract
PPPL-3732 is available in pdf format (836 KB).
Fast Neutral Pressure Measurements in NSTX
Authors: R. Raman, H.W. Kugel, T. Provost, R. Gernhardt, T.R. Jarboe, and M.G. Bell
PPPL-3732 Abstract
PPPL-3733 is available in pdf format (2.1 MB).
Fast Ion Non-adiabaticity in Spherical Tokamaks
Authors: V.A. Yavorskij, D. Darrow, V.Ya. Goloborod'ko, S.N. Reznik, U. Holzmueller-Steinacker, N. Gorelenkov, and K. Schoepf
PPPL-3733 Abstract
PPPL-3734 is available in pdf format (180 KB).
Evaluation of Possible Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Diagnostic Techniques for Tokamak Experiments
Authors: S.J. Zweben, T.W. Kornack, D. Majeski, G. Schilling, C.H. Skinner, R. Wilson, and N. Kuzma
PPPL-3734 Abstract
PPPL-3735 is available in pdf format (316 KB).
National Spherical Torus Experiment Real Time Plasma Control Data Acquisition Hardware
Authors: R.J. Marsala and J. Schneider
PPPL-3735 Abstract
PPPL-3736 is available in pdf format (396 KB).
Simulations of Temperatures in Burning Tokamak Plasmas using the GLF23 Model in the TRANSP Code
Author: R.V. Budny
PPPL-3736 Abstract
PPPL-3737 is available in pdf format (284 KB).
Simulations of the Neutral-beam-induced Rotation, Radial Electric Field, and Flow Shearing Rate in Next-step Burning Plasmas
Author: R.V. Budny
PPPL-3737 Abstract
PPPL-3738 is available in pdf format (894 KB).
Investigations of Probe Induced Perturbations in a Hall Thruster
Authors: D. Staack, Y. Raitses, and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3738 Abstract
PPPL-3739rev is available in pdf format (652 KB).
Localized Measurement of Turbulent Fluctuations in Tokamaks with Coherent Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves
Author: E. Mazzucato
PPPL-3739rev Abstract
PPPL-3740 is available in pdf format (976 KB).
Modeling of Neoclassical Tearing Mode Stability for Generalized Toroidal Geometry
Authors: A.L. Rosenberg, D.A. Gates, A. Pletzer, J.E. Menard, S.E. Kruger, C.C. Hegna, F. Paoletti, and S. Sabbagh
PPPL-3740 Abstract
PPPL-3741 is available in pdf format (392 KB).
How to Patch Active Plasma and Collisionless Sheath: Practical Guide
Author: Igor D. Kaganovich
PPPL-3741 Abstract
PPPL-3742 is available in pdf format (265 KB).
Comment on "Generation of Electromagnetic Pulses from Plasma Channels Induced by Femtosecond Light Strings"
Authors: Gennady Shvets, Igor Kaganovich, and Edward Startsev
PPPL-3742 Abstract
PPPL-3743 is available in pdf format (517 KB).
Hamiltonian Guiding Center Equations in Toroidal Magnetic Configurations
Authors: Roscoe White and Leonid Zakharov
PPPL-3743 Abstract
PPPL-3744 is available in pdf format (280 KB).
Simulating Photons and Plasmons in a Three-dimensional Lattice
Authors: A. Pletzer and G. Shvets
PPPL-3744 Abstract
PPPL-3745 is available in pdf format (274 KB).
Operation of the NSTX Thomson Scattering System
Authors: B.P. LeBlanc, R.E. Bell, D.W. Johnson, D.E. Hoffman, D.C. Long, and R.W. Palladino
PPPL-3745 Abstract
PPPL-3746 is available in pdf format (984 KB).
Plasma Characterization of Hall Thruster with Active and Passive Segmented Electrodes
Authors: Y. Raitses, D. Staack and N. J. Fisch
PPPL-3746 Abstract
PPPL-3747 is available in pdf format (1 MB).
Dynamic Volume Holography and Optical Information Processing by Raman Scattering
Authors: I.Y. Dodin and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3747 Abstract
PPPL-3748 is available in pdf format (404 KB).
Parametric Investigation of Miniaturized Cylindrical and Annular Hall Thrusters
Authors: A. Smirnov, Y. Raitses, and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3748 Abstract
PPPL-3749 is available in pdf format (710 KB).
FIRE, A Next Step Option For Magnetic Fusion
Author: D.M. Meade
PPPL-3749 Abstract
PPPL-3750 is available in pdf format (816 KB).
Measurement of the Transverse Spitzer Resistivity during Collisional Magnetic Reconnection
Authors: F. Trintchouk, M. Yamada, H. Ji, R.M. Kulsrud, and T.A. Carter
PPPL-3750 Abstract
PPPL-3751 is available in pdf format (4.4 MB).
Global Extended MHD Studies of Fast Magnetic Reconnection
Authors: J.A. Breslau and S.C. Jardin
PPPL-3751 Abstract
The PPPL 2001 Annual Highlights is available in pdf format.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory - 2001 Annual Highlights