[56]Publication Reports For Fiscal Year[1997]
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Reports (pub-reports@pppl.gov).
Review of Diagnostic Methods for TFTR D-T Radiation Shielding and Neutronics Studies
Authors: H.W. Kugel, G. Ascione, J. Gilbert, et al
PPPL-3206 Abstract
PPPL-3207 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Core Vf and Ti Profiles and Transport in TFTR DD and DT Plasmas with Lithium Conditioning
Authors: C. E. Bush, R. E. Bell, and B. LeBlanc
PPPL-3207 Abstract
PPPL-3208 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
A Direct Calculation of Current Drive in Toroidal Geometry
Authors: J.C. Wright, C.K. Phillips. and P.T. Bonoli
PPPL-3208 Abstract
PPPL-3209 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Cooling a Birth Distribution of a -particles in a Tokamak with Waves
Authors: Mark C. Herrmann and Nathaniel J. Fisch
PPPL-3209 Abstract
PPPL-3210 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Global Structure of Mirror Modes in the Magnetosheath
Authors: Jay R. Johnson and C. Z. Cheng
PPPL-3210 Abstract
PPPL-3211 is not available on the WWW. To obtain a paper copy of PPPL-3211 send an e-mail request to caphilli@pppl.gov
Electron-Ion Collisions in Intensely Illuminated Plasmas
Author: G. Shvets and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3211 Abstract
PPPL-3212 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Self-similarity and Transport in the Standard Map
Authors: S. Benkadda, S. Kassibrakis, R. B. White, and G. M. Zaslavsky
PPPL-3212 Abstract
PPPL-3213 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Neoclassical Transport in Enhanced Connement Toroidal Plasmas
Authors: Z. Lin, W. M. Tang, and W. W. Lee
PPPL-3213 Abstract
PPPL-3214 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
DT Results of TFTR's Alpha Collector
Authors: H. W. Herrmann, S. J. Zweben, D. S. Darrow, et al.
PPPL-3214 Abstract
PPPL-3215 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Free Boundary, High Beta Equilibrium in a Large Aspect Ratio Tokamak with Nearly Circular Plasma Boundary
Authors: H. Qin and A. Reiman
PPPL-3215 Abstract
PPPL-3217 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Physics of High Performance Deuterium-tritium Plasmas in TFTR
Authors: K.M. Mcguire, C.W. Barnes, S. Batha, et al.
PPPL-3217 Abstract
PPPL-3218 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Experimental Study of Toroidicity-Induced Alfvén Eigenmode (TAE) Stability at High q(0)
Authors: M.C. Zarnstorff, F.M. Levinton, S.H. Batha, and E.J. Synakowski
PPPL-3218 Abstract
PPPL-3219 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Simulation of a-Particle Redistribution due to Sawteeth on TFTR
Authors: Yi Zhao, Roscoe B. White
PPPL-3219 Abstract
PPPL-3220 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
3D Simulation Studies of Tokamak Plasmas Using MHD and Extended-MHD Models
Authors: W. Park, Z. Chang, E. Fredrickson, et al.
PPPL-3220 Abstract
PPPL-3221 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
DEGAS 2 Neutral Transport Modeling of High Density, Low Temperature Plasmas
Authors: D.P. Stotler, A. Yu. Pigarov, C.F.F. Karney, S.I. Krasheninnikov, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, G.M. McCracken, A. Niemczewski, J.A. Snipes, J.L. Terry, R.A. Vesey
PPPL-3221 Abstract
PPPL-3222 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
The Conducting Shell Stellarator: A Simple Means for Producing Complicated Fields
Author: G.V. Sheffield
PPPL-3222 Abstract
PPPL-3223 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Recent Progress in Linear and Nonlinear Studies of Toroidal Alfv en Eigenmode
Authors: G. Y. Fu, et al.
PPPL-3223 Abstract
PPPL-3224 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Plasma Transport Control and Self-Sustaining Fusion Reactor*
Authors: M. Ono, R. Bell, et al.
PPPL-3224 Abstract
PPPL-3225 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Investigation of the Effect of Resistive MHD Modes on Spherical Torus Performance in CDX-U
Authors: M. Ono, D. Stutman, et al
PPPL-3225 Abstract
PPPL-3226 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Local Tests of Parallel Electrical Resistivity in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: S.H. Batha, F.M. Levinton, A.T. Ramsey, G.L. Schmidt, and M.C. Zarnstorff
PPPL-3226 Abstract
PPPL-3227 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Measurement of the Hot Electrical Conductivity in the PBX-M Tokamak
Authors: G. Giruzzi, E. Barbato, S. Bernabei, and A. Cardinali
PPPL-3227 Abstract
PPPL-3228 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Scaling of Confinement with Isotopic Content in Deuterium and Tritium Plasmas
Authors: C.K. Phillips, S.D. Scott, et al
PPPL-3228 Abstract
PPPL-3230 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Deuterium-tritium plasmas in novel regimes in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: M.G. Bell, S. Batha, M. Beer, et al.
PPPL-3230 Abstract
PPPL-3231 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Alpha-Driven Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and MHD-Induced Alpha Loss ion the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: Z. Chang, R. Nazikian, G.-Y. Fu, et al
PPPL-3231 Abstract
PPPL-3232 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Kinetic Alfvén Waves and Plasma Transport at the Magnetopause
Authors: Jay R. Johnson and C.Z. Cheng
PPPL-3232 Abstract
PPPL-3233 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
The Roles of Electric Field Shear and Shafranov Shift in Sustaining High Confinement in Enhanced Reversed Shear Plasmas on the TFTR Tokamak
Authors: E.J. Synakowski, S.H. Batha, M.A. Beer, et al.
PPPL-3233 Abstract
PPPL-3234 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Results from Deuterium-Tritium Tokamak Confinement Experiments
Authors: R.J. Hawryluk
PPPL-3234 Abstract
PPPL-3235 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Identification of Y-Shaped and O-Shaped Diffusion Regions During Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
Authors: Masaaki Yamada, Hantao Ji, et al.
PPPL-3235 Abstract
PPPL-3236 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Study of Driven Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
Authors: Masaaki Yamada, Hantao Ji, Scott Hsu, et al
PPPL-3236 Abstract
PPPL-3237 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Local Transport Barrier Formation and Relaxation in Reverse-Shear Plasmas on the TFTR Tokamak
Authors: E.J. Synakowski, S.H. Batha,(a) M.A. Beer, et al.
PPPL-3237 Abstract
PPPL-3238 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
The Role of the Neutral Beam Fueling Profile in the Performance of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor and other Tokamak Plasmas
Authors: H.K. Park, S.A. Sabbagh , S. Batha, et al.
PPPL-3238 Abstract
PPPL-3239 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Calculations of alpha particle loss for reversed magnetic shear in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: M. H. Redi, R. B. White, S. H. Batha, et al.
PPPL-3239 Abstract
PPPL-3240 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Deuterium-Tritium Simulations of the Enhanced Reversed Shear Mode in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: D. R. Mikkelsen, J. Manickam, S. D. Scott, et al.
PPPL-3240 Abstract
PPPL-3241 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Testing the r* scaling of thermal transport models: predicted and measured temperatures in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor dimensionless scaling experiments
Authors: D. R. Mikkelsen, S. D. Scott, W. Dorland
PPPL-3241 Abstract
PPPL-3242 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
TSC Simulation of Feedback Stabilization of Axisymmetric Modes in Tokamaks using Driven Halo Currents
Authors: S.C. Jardin and J.A. Schmidt
PPPL-3242 Abstract
PPPL-3243 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Microinstability Properties of Negative Magnetic Shear Discharges in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor and DIII-D
Authors: G. Rewoldt, L.L. Lao, and W.M. Tang
PPPL-3243 Abstract
PPPL-3244 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
A Study of MHD Feedback Stabilization in Tokamaks with Lower Hybrid Waves
Authors: S. Bernabei, A. Cardinali, G. Giruzzi, and K. McGuire
PPPL-3244 Abstract
PPPL-3247 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Energetic Particle Physics with Applications in Fusion and Space Plasmas
Author: C.Z. Cheng
PPPL-3247 Abstract
PPPL-3248 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Correlation between excitation of Alfvén modes and degradation of ICRF heating efficiency in TFTR
Authors: S. Bernabei, Z. Chang, D. Darrow, et al.
PPPL-3248 Abstract
PPPL-3249 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Workshop On Feedback Stabilization Of MHD Instabilities
Authors: K. McGuire, H. Kugel, R. La Haye, et al.
PPPL-3249 Abstract
PPPL-3251 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Direct Numerical Solution of Poisson's Equation in Cylindrical (r, z) Coordinates
Authors: Edward H. Chao, Stephen F. Paul, Ronald C. Davidson, and Kevin S. Fine
PPPL-3251 Abstract
PPPL-3252 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Role of Plasma Edge in the Direct Launch Ion Bernstein Wave Experiment in TFTR
Authors: M. Ono, C.E. Bush, R. Cesario, G.R. Hanson, J. Hosea, B. LeBlanc, R. Majeski, F. Paoletti, C.K. Phillips, J.H. Rogers, O. Sauter, G. Schilling, J.R. Wilson
PPPL-3252 Abstract
PPPL-3253 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Alpha Particle Loss in TFTR Deuterium-Tritium Plasmas with Reversed Magnetic Shear
Authors: M.H. Redi, S.H. Batha, R.V. Budny, et al.
PPPL-3253 Abstract
PPPL-3254 is not available in electronic format. To request a paper copy, click in the box to the left of the report number, complete the form at the bottom of the page, and click on the "Submit Request" button.
Intense Nonneutral Beam Propagation in a Periodic Solenoidal Field using a Macroscopic Fluid Model with Zero Thermal Emittance
Authors: Ronald C. Davidson, Peter Stoltz, and Chiping Chen
PPPL-3254 Abstract
PPPL-3255 is not available in electronic format. To request a paper copy, click in the box to the left of the report number, complete the form at the bottom of the page, and click on the "Submit Request" button.
Kinetic Description of Intense Nonneutral Beam Propagation through a Periodic Solenoidal Focusing Field Based on the Nonlinear Vlasov-Maxwell Equations
Authors: Ronald C. Davidson and Chiping Chen
PPPL-3255 Abstract
PPPL-3258 is not available in electronic format. To request a paper copy, click in the box to the left of the report number, complete the form at the bottom of the page, and click on the "Submit Request" button.
Statistically-Average Rate Equations for Intense Nonneutral Beam Propagation through a Periodic Solenoidal Focusing Field Based on the Nonlinear Vlasov-Maxwell Equations
Authors: Ronald C. Davidson, W. Wei-li Lee, and Peter Stoltz
PPPL-3258 Abstract
PPPL-3259 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Polarization of Atomic Radiation in Stochastic Plasma Fields
Authors: V.I. Savchenko and N.J. Fisch
PPPL-3259 Abstract
PPPL-3260 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Landau Fluid Models of Collisionless Magnetohydrodynamics
Authors: P.B. Snyder, G.W. Hammett, and W. Dorland
PPPL-3260 Abstract
PPPL-3261 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
Cusp and Y-type Magnetic Structures and Velocity Fields at the Endpoint of the Reconnection Layer
Authors: Dmitri A. Uzdensky and Russell M. Kulsrud
PPPL-3261 Abstract